The Mythical War: The Ancient Battle Continues (Joint Crisis Committee)


This historical joint crisis committee will transport delegates back in time to around 1250 BCE to the shores of Troy. One committee will represent the Greeks, and the other the Trojans. The ultimate goal: end the war with the least amount of destruction to your respective side. Delegates in the Greek committee will represent soldiers including Agamemnon, Odysseus, Achilles, Patroclus, and Diomedes, as well as some of the gods who supported the Greeks such as Hera and Athena. On the other side, the Trojan committee will include (but are not limited to) Paris, King Priam, Queen Hecuba, and Hector, along with Aphrodite, and Apollo. Depending on the number of delegates, I would also like to include some of the women of the Trojan War who were not directly involved with the fighting like Helen, Clytemnestra, and Penelope. With a mix of soldiers and gods, this JCC will be rooted in historical context while having a mythological theme that will allow delegates to exercise creativity in their solutions. Delegates may formulate solutions as they wish, however, they should avoid using the same tactics that are described in the Trojan War stories–the most obvious being they cannot use the Trojan horse solution. Furthermore, because only some gods were committed to a specific side of the war, delegates can use the non-loyal gods as pawns in their solutions. For instance, the Greeks can sneak into pastures near Troy, steal cattle, and sacrifice to Zeus so he will aid in their war effort. Finally, while the ancient Greek myths are heavily misogynistic and include much violence against women, delegates will be responsible for putting this committee and their solutions in the context of 2024. Overall, this JCC will allow delegates to think through war tactics, figure out how to provide for soldiers and civilians with limited resources, and experience the Ancient Greek world.